So, i'm currently 22 years of age, and will be 23 in two months exactly, i thought it would a good idea to write up a personal-ish post. I think it's quite a clever concept to try and write about, so here's my 22 life lessons that I've learnt in my 22 years of living...
- Try not to care about other peoples opinions: If it makes you happy, then other people's opinions shouldn't matter.
- Hard work pays off.
- Find hobbies that you get enjoyment out of.
- Try to eat healthy, but don't deprive yourself of the things you love.
- (Ties in with no.4) Moderation is key.
- A bad day doesn't mean a bad life.
- Stay curious. Try to keep learning about anything and everything.
- Learn how to take care of yourself.
- Don't stress too much: Worrying about something you have no control over or can't change, just wastes your time and energy.
- Always be grateful.
- There will always be someone that doesn't like you, even if you've done nothing wrong.
- You don't have to have everything figured out.
- The 'real world' sucks: Debts, jobs, bills etc, I definitely did not realise how much my parents did for me as a child.
- Always be kind, even on your bad days: Our attitudes and mannerisms do define us and our social outlooks, always try to be kind because you don't know who it could affect.
- Saving money is important: Even if it's only a small amount, your future you will be grateful.
- It's okay to have a job that just pays the bills.
- It's okay to not be okay, but it's not okay to stay that way.
- It's okay to say 'No'.
- Choose style not fashion: Don't buy intro trends unless you'll wear it again, it only wastes money and will gather dust.
- Don't get discouraged by others: It can be disheartening when friends/family don't believe in you or think you can do something, just take it with a pinch of salt and prove them wrong.
- Cooking is a life skill, not a talent: You can learn to cook, because eating takeaways and ready meals for the rest of your life will take it's toll on you and frankly unappealing.
- "Opinions are just like arseholes, Everyone's got one": My dad has used this quote pretty much my whole life. It always made me laugh but it's also a gentle reminder that i shouldn't be discouraged or disheartened by anyone, and that whilst yes an opinion can be helpful, or annoying, everyone's got one, so it's not something i can change, but i can choose to not let them affect me.
So that's it for now, i had more 'lessons' but these were the ones that stuck out to me from my notes.
What do you think? Do you have anything else to add? Let me know below.