Life sometimes feels hard, and sometimes you just get one of those days where you feel like 'whats the point?' and just want to chuck the towel in. Pretty much everyone wishes for life to be easy, like some sort of smooth sailing journey with no waves, but here's the thing, life is hard work for everyone. I think it's important to remember for when the next time life feels hard, that there are others out there who are feeling it tough as well, but they are surviving it. You can survive it too.
It's just about taking some time for yourself and 'self-caring'.
Here are some ideas for you to try for those bad days..
- Take a long hot shower or bath and make sure you use a nice smelling/relaxing soap
- Get into your PJS or comfy clothes and just relax on the couch or even your freshly made bed
- Tackle at least one nagging chore that you've put off - eg, taking the rubbish out (one less thing to stress out about)
- Play with your pet(s) - they love you unconditionally and it's good for them too
- Eat your favourite comfort food
- Read - a book, a blog, a magazine etc
- Do something with your hobby
- If you don't have a hobby, why not try to start one? - like drawing, writing, editing etc (the possibilities are endless)
- Light some candles and listen to some music
- Make a telephone call to someone and just have a chat/rant - i do this with my dad whenever i feel down, and trust me, you feel better
- Binge watch a TV Series - either something completely new or re-watch your favourites
- Have a couch day - leave all the chores for one day
- Order take out - don't cook for one day, treat yourself to something nice
- Retail Therapy
- Write a list of what you're grateful for
- Go to the gym - the endorphin's you'll feel afterwards will make you feel so good
- Try a new recipe
- Watch some trashy TV - i don't know about you, but i like to watch Jeremy Kyle for my trash tv
- Create yourself a playlist - try to find new songs maybe
- Take a nap
- Unplug from technology - even if its just for 30 minutes
- Make time for your family and important people
- Leave work at work - don't burn yourself out or others around you because of work stresses
- Accept that nothing lasts forever and you won't feel like this forever
- Don't be too hard on yourself - no-one is perfect and that's okay.
Well, that's all for now, I'd be really interested in hearing any other recommendations.
Drop a comment if you have any thoughts or ideas you'd like to share :)